Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

-the CEO-

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Love myself. Half unique half blur so I am limited not weird.
Showing posts with label perasaan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label perasaan. Show all posts

Friday, May 17, 2013

-Mumbling Sepam-

Oh my! Aku buat sikit je, dia exaggerate more.
Dia buat tak apa aku buat, Pop! Become an issue.
One day you'll know the taste of pain. Trust my word!
I don't understand why what am I doing always become an issue, always lead to misunderstand. Don't you have a slight sense of humanity, do you?
I believe silent is better, when it is time truth will revealed. Sooner or later. I hope that my pain will gone as fast as possible. I can't bear it anymore. :'(

One more thing money doesn't matter but nowadays money is a matter.
Now only i know the taste of money. How good the smell is.
I don't have income yet but i have things to pay. That's make me sad when others can't understand how much I struggle. M** gives me a lot of trouble, I don't want to exaggerate anything just want to live my life happily and finish my responsibility there.
After that, I hope i can get better life and don't need to rely hope to others and boarded other people's lives.
I want to stand on my own feet, don't want to upset anyone. Enough is enough. I cannot patch wounds anymore.

If I have extra, I will share with others if I don't have how can i share with others. Then it become an issue.
Youngsters should give respect to the oldest, I knew sometimes I forget about this law but I do give at least. When youngsters don't respect you, what will you feel? Please again, have a slight sense of humanity to me can't you? When I said I'm tired of all this. Then someone said 'Tired? So?'
How disappointed I was. Only Allah knows! I love all of them. I love all happy memories. Please don't make days by days erase good things one by one.

If I'm the one who screw everything up, I seek for forgiveness. I'm trying here to be someone better. Someone that everyone love to mingle around. Stay beside me. Especially Audi. I hope you can stand with all my bad. Accept who I am and lead me to better life and Jannah one day. Insyaallah.

I need to work hard. I need to survive. I need to be independent. Thanks Allah for giving me trials and test to make me better. Next week I have to 'goreng' something unique and specials to two of my 'sifu'. Hope I can 'goreng' yang terbaik and pass with flying color. Acah-acah Masterchef Malaysia. Do pray for me. Hiks.

Polik Bona bilo pikir orang tuduh bukan2
Takpo tunggu den dah kayo jangan cubo nadah tangan
Mintak pinjam duit apotah laie tandotangan
Time tu takdo nak berbaik

Standing in the hall of fame
And the world's gonna know your name
'Cause you burn with the brightest flame
And the world's gonna know your name
And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame
You can go the distance
You can run the mile
You can walk straight through hell with a smile
You could be the hero
You could get the gold
Breaking all the records they thought never could be broke
Yeah, do it for your people
Do it for your pride
How you ever gonna know if you never even try?

*Till the,

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

- Listen! Haha-

I just want to say:

- Thank you.

- I miss you.

-I have a lot of task to do but still malas dan buat-buat seperti kanak-kanak riang bermain. Memang nak kena pijak la kan.

- Always pray for happiness, health and wealth. For you. For me. For ours.

- Letih la kena buat perkara yang x berapa nak rela. Kalau tak buat naahh kena setepek SELFISH. Hurmm.

- Saya seorang yang degil dan kuat cemburu dan mungkin pendendam. Saya juga tidak sangka. Bhahaha.

Like what i said, the way I treat you depends on the way you treat me. If you can why I can't? I always have this question mingle in my mind. I need reason for your NO and I am pleasure for YES from you.

Looks like I am selfish right? Wait a second, put yourself in my shoes then you will know the real things.

- I am tired answering questions.

- I am tired when I must listen to others but they don't do the same. What the hell give and take then.

- I need to change my style. I know words can hurt more than swords. I'd go for quiet then. =)

- Bila orang tak boleh terima apa yang saya pilih itu menyedihkan tapi putus asa tak ada dalam kamus hidup saya. Dengan izin Allah, semoga semuanya berjalan sempurna. Jemput datang ke majlis saya. Hakhak. Kidding.

- Lama tak bertegur sapa bukan bermaksud saya membenci atau melupakan anda cuma saya memberi masa
kepada anda supaya merindui saya. Maaf kerana saya sibuk sejak kebelakang ini. Ada projek jual beli tanah dengan pihak-pihak tertentu. Ahaks.

- I must get good result in my up coming examination. Saya sedang belajar membuat kek dan berharap dapat masuk Masterchef Malaysia.

- I need to start study. Tepung apa nak guna. Berapa biji telur diperlukan. Dan sebagainya. Nak exam ni. Nanti baking x jadi chef marah. LoL.

- Teringin nak vacation with my friends! Hey! Do you guys miss me? =)

- Last but not least, I am happy. Happy for you. Happy for me. Happy with you. Happy with me. Happy with them. Happy for them. Happy Chinese New Year *merepek betul kan.

- Waiting for CNY holidays. Hoyeahh.

- Thank you for reading this. =)

Till then~
Hugs and love.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

- WS -

For real?

Every week? Okay then. Keep in faith. Stay awake.

* Yes, I'm arrogant. Yes, I did refuse. Can't you understand my heart? LoL.

* Upss forget to share with dear blog, I had new name. SELFISH ME. So do take note peeps! -.-

Till then~

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

-Wordless wednesday-

Sorry! Ngee =)

edited by me.

You left me thousand miles away but you still be in my heart.
Thank you for still be with me.
Sometimes I tend to get angry easily especially during menstrual.

***Untuk family members, friends and kamu yang disgusting. Wekk! malow!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

-Soalan Stupid-

Hari ini aku memang meroyan nak update sampai 2 entry.
Blog macam diari kan? Eerkk.

Aku benci. X selesa. Geram.
Kau dengan dia dah lama break up la weyh so jangan la terhegeh-hegeh lak.
Mesej2 aku nak tanya pasal hang punya ex.
Buang tebiat pa? Puihhh!
Cakap macam ada problem besar je nak aku tolong, nak tanya aku.
Last2 hang dok tanya pasal ex hang and lagi annoying bila soalan hang sikit punya menyakitkan hati.
Birthday bila la. No rumah apa la. Dye suka apa la. Soalan bodoh ni hang dah tanya aku dulu ok. Makan kismis la bagi kuat daya ingatan.
Dammit! Kalau kawan yang rapat dengan aku tak apa la ni USED-TO-BE-CLOSE not to say ex-friend (erkk can meyh?) cuz still on the friend line. Geddit?

Aku tak baik tapi aku x pernah buka aib orang. Ye mungkin ada yang aku cakap buat orang sakit hati atau seangkatan dengannya tapi kadang-kadang the way aku cakap or rhythm nyer and maksud nyer lain tapi bila dengar dari orang lain jadi lain. Geddit? Yang baik datang dari Allah yang buruk datang dari aku.

Kita disukai dan disenangi oleh orang lain sebab Allah tutup segala aib, kelemahan dan kekurangan kita so for what nak buka aib orang bukankah itu satu dosa? Yes. Aku bajet ustazah. Lantak la. Arghhhhh! Apa? Cakap kat depan cermin? Ikut la. Malas nak layan. Serabut perut.

Okbye! #terasake ikut hang la. #mintamaaf

***kadang-kadang aku nak je luah semua kat blog tapi bila memikirkan akan ada orang baca dan akan ada potensi untuk jadi buah mulut orang or bahan nak benci-membenci aku kikiskan satu persatu niat aku. Aku pun manusia yang ada hati dan perasaan. Sedih aku, marah aku, kesal aku tak pernah pudar. Andai aku dapat jawapan-jawapan kepada semua persoalan yang telah lama aku sematkan dalam hati ini mungkin kurang rasa benci itu. Tatkala bersua kau seakan-akan mempunyai kuasa besar yang mahu aku tunduk hormat kepada kau. Itu dah melampau. Sekian.

Till then~

Friday, October 28, 2011


Yes emptiness! It describe how I feel. Arghhhh!!! Bila dengar cerita orang lain aku hanya mampu cakap  'Untunglahhhhh!!!' *rolling eyes*. Untunglah kau dapat itu, dapat ini, dah itu, dah ini, selamat itu, selamat ini, ada itu, ada ini dan lain-lain. Huh! Ye aku jealous! Salah? Jealous bukan sebab nak hancurkan semua yang kau, kau dan kau ada tapi UNTUNGLAHHH! UNTUNGLAHHH! Tabahlah wahai hati! Ada ganjaran menanti di penghujung nanti. Percayalah! Tolonglah wahai hati. Percaya. Tabahlah. Do not be Jealous! Just ask & beg Allah - He will give you from His Bounties! =)

  • "And do not wish for that by which Allah has made some of you exceed others. For men is a share of what they have earned, and for women is a share of what they have earned. And ask Allah of his bounty. Indeed Allah is ever, of all things, Knowing." (Surah An Nisaa, 4:32)

  • Nabi Muhammad S.A.W bersabda : "Barangsiapa membaca surah Alam Nasyrah, seperti ia mendatangi aku dan aku mengambil kesempatan maka menjadi suatu kelapangan daripadaku".
  • Baca surah Alam Nasyrah selesai mengerjakan solat fardhu, nescaya Allah permudahkan urusannya serta dimudahkan segala keperluannya dan dimudahkan rezekinya. 
  • Sesiapa yang membacanya nescaya Allah turut melapangkan dadanya serta dijauhkan daripada segala kesukaran dalam segala urusannya. Dihilangkan segala sifat kesal dan jemu, serta mendatangkan rajin dalam mengerjakan ibadat.
  • Barangsiapa membaca Alam Nasyrah sembilan kali sesudah solat fardhu nescaya Allah akan menjauhkan daripada kesempitan hidup dan dimudahkan rezeki dalam segala urusan.

Be not sad (or afraid), surely Allah with us =)

*** Tabahlah wahai hati. Till then. =)

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Black shot games. :)

If you want me to play in your game.
Yes. I'm playing with you right now.

If you think I'm weak.
You're wrong.

If you think you can win with 'Tear gas bombs' to obscure my eyes.
Once again, you're wrong.

I don't need to use rifle to win this game.
I have my best weapon.

I play this game not to win but to prove I'm not stupid like you think.

* WTH you guys!!! Girls pon boleh main black shot lah. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Just A Little Hope.

Like other people.
I have hope too.
Sometimes hope will turn something to yeayyyy!!!
Something like that la.

My practical gonna be sucks i guess.
It is because I don't have radio to keep me up n wake me up.
I don't have food to cover my big tummy.
I don't have comics to make me laugh.
Ouh friends. :'(

Ouhh I really miss my practical at manjung last sem.
I also miss Sha & Fara.
This is what we call "Dah takde baru nak rindu".
Hahaha. Miss both of you.

I hope that i can have same shift with my buddies.
Ni dapat dengan member yang perghh langsung xmasuk kepala.
Dah la lelaki. India.
Perghhh perit seyh!!!
K.Nady i hope i can have shift with u.
Really hope. Is it too much???
*Boleyh date free :) hahaha.

Dah la first week dapat duty masuk OT but i didn't go.
Malas btol tp teringin jugak.
Bengong benar rase tak de member yang sekepala.
Ok jangan jadi bengong cakap sekepala is kembar.

I have many hopes now.
But I know we cannot always get what we want.
Life always have up and down.
I ready to face it. *Uwaaa :'(

Saturday, November 27, 2010

-You can close your eyes to things you don't
want to see, but you can't close your heart to
the things you don't want to feel. But b
eing sad with the right people is better than being happy with the wrong ones.-

*Hey! I don't expect much i just want u.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Ibu penah ckp..
Hari x selalunyer indah..
Langit x selalunyer cerah..
Cuaca x selalunyer panas..
Mendung x semestinyer akan hujan..
Malam x semestinya ade banyak bintang..
Matahari xkan pernah bertemu bulan kalau belum masenyer..
Air yg tenang jgn disangka tak de buaye..
Binatang peliharaan jgn disangka jinak..kadang2 makan tuan..
Kadang2 hujan turun buat kite sedih..
Tp muncul pelangi mengubat duka..
Kadang hujan turun buat kite merungut..
Tp kdg2 bg org len e2 punca rezeki dye..
Semuanya dijadikan berpasangan..
Semuanya dijadikan saling melengkapi..
Ketahuilah yang hidup xselalunya indah..
Allah duga kite sbb nk kte jd lebih baik..
Allah xkn uji kite kalau kite xmampu nk hadapinyer..
Cume kite xnmpk care nk selesaikannyer..
Kadang2 kite rase kite betul..
Tp sebenarnye kite salah..
Cuma kite je x perasan..
Kadang2 kite rase kite salah..
Tp sebenarnye kite betul..
Cuma kite je x perasan..
Pengalaman byk mengajar mnjadi lebih matang..
Hidup mmg indah..
Cume kite je xperasan..

Hargailah setiap detik kite berase di atas muke bumi ini..
Hargailah setiap denyutan jantung..
Hargailah setiap detik yang diberikan untuk bernafas..
Hargailah setiap detik yang dilalui..yang pelbagai warna..


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

♥ ♥ ♥

Org slalo0 kate manusia ni rambut sama hitam tp hati lain2..
Tp tu xtermasuk la org yg colourkn rambut dye ye..
Walaupun hati manusia ni kecik tp dlm aty tu ade byk perasaan..
Suke, duka, terase, terharu & lain2..
Ade perasaan yg x terluah, ade perasaan yg terluah, ade perasaan yg sukar diungkap..
Sumenyer aty sje yg taw..*hebatkn aty ni?*

Kdg2 demi nk menjage aty org kte terpakse simpan ap jua perasaan n pendapat kte..
Kdg2 demi nk happy kn org kte terpakse hipokrit..
Kdg2 demi nk menjage relationship dgn org kte terpakse ikut kehendak org wlpon aty xrela or separa rela..
Susahnyer mcm ni..

Tp kdg2 ble org hargai pgorbanan kte..
Org 2 happy ngn ap yg kte buat..
Org tu selesa ngn ap yg kte berikan..
Org tu taw kte care dye..
Tyme ni la bru kte rase ap yg kte korban tu x sia2..

Ssh nk puaskan aty org..
Ssh ble kte mnjadi tulang belakang pd org lain..
Sbb bsr tanggungjawabnyer..
Ssh nk happykan sume org..
Ssh nk buat org trust kte..
Ssh nk buat org nk care kte..
Ssh nk buat org nmpk keikhlasan kte..
Ssh nk buat org fhm perasaan kte..
Perasaan yg terluah kdg2 disalahertikan..
Perasaan yg tersimpan kdg2 membuat kte terase hati..

Ble org mengate kte..
Kte skt aty..
Kte sedih..
Kte x happy..
Kte slalo0 bisik kt hati 'knp dye x fhm keadaan ak?'

Lain org lain fikirannyer..
Lain org lain pendapatnyer..
Lain org lain perangainyer..
Lain org lain didikannyer..
Inilah yg dikatekan rambut same hitam hati lain2..

p/s: ouh hati tabahlah!!! biarkan org fikir ap yg dorg nk fikir..